You get 1 Point every minute.
Donators & Subscribers get 2 Points every minute.
Subscribing, Donating or Bits also get you points.
Type !points in chat to see your points.
Type !time in chat to see your watch time.
Use !share name amount to share your points to someone.
(Example: !share Luki 100)
You can trade your points for the following
Type the command in chat
Type the command in chat
Use the command in chat and the sound will play on stream.
30 Points
!doh !bazinga !error !tuturu !whip !nope !excellent !toasty
!beach !round !puta !mada !meow !denied !hi !khaled !wat !go !woter !loot
40 Points
!lightsaber !nuts !silence !r2d2 !chewbacca !jeff !skinny
!hello !arigato !brb !shutdown !angrycat
!smile !crickets !mad
!darkness !candy !shazam !johnny !speedrun !pee
50 Points
!fatality !finishhim !plata !destroy !rasengan !shit
!applause !fkup !humiliation !failed !english !stars !comfy
!9000 !cop !laugh !fast !try !hurt !purge !nani !eternity !lamp !dva
60 Points
!nooo !surprise !hallelujah !pablo !choppa !penny !scorpion
!druglord !shots !out !hanzo !vicky !russia
80 Points
!airhorn !drama !dramatic !fku
!run !gandalf !woody !fly !romania
!profanity !fuck !daniel !indeed New
100 Points
!balls !johncena !pikachu !predator !predator2 !rickroll !rumble !sparta
!weed !toys
!condom !police !dapolice
!einstein !nyan !molly !doit !lulupedr !killme !world !tracer
!wtf2 !gum !doom !evillaugh !liukang !luki !outplayed !wakanda !camper
!bamboozled !reee !fight !meaty
!ligma New
!omg New
150 Points
!trololo !nein !thuglife !spongebob !leroy !mysenpai !warning !nazgul
200 Points
!illuminati !noogod !kamehameha !fullnani !nothing !wha
300 Points
!raul !horse !monkey
500 Points
Unlock the pack for 5 days with 2000 Points and have unlimited use
!unstoppable !firstblood !doublekill !ultrakill !multikill !godlike
!monsterkill !holyshit !rampage !megakill !killingspree !headshot
Unlock the pack for 3 days with 3000 Points and have unlimited use
!wdym !d2chicken !only !peasant !knock
Use the command in chat and the video will play on stream.
100 Points
!wth !theone !kitty !handsup !jack !healing !startup !catjump
!goku !ko !mission !pika !confused
200 Points
!sing !workout !sleep !sit !party !panda
!jump !cannon !camo
!bang !bee!kungfu !ducks !nacho !wow !theway !pokemon !ded
300 Points
!dogs !bird !birds !parrot !shitday !spiderman
!gangster !cherry
!pushup !skate !uncle !nofuck !magic !dinosaur !asshole
!tin !pan !shot !catgun !bob !wasted !catplay
!spinning !fullauto
!tom !pompon !thick !reload
400 Points
!thrift !supernova !reaper !hunter
!badday !badcat !internet
!dance !tireman !wallstreet !turup !penguins !rap !murica
!nade !julien !bsod !mimi !wolf !turtles
500 Points
!x !omgwoman !feedbaby
!twerk !father !gym
!slide !praise !alliance !clyde
600 Points
!cock !legally !kekw !rip !organic New
1000 Points
!tripaloski !hardbass !moscow !tank !wewill !3090
!russia1 !russia2 !russia3 !russia4 !russia5 !russia6 !russia7
2000 Points