You get 1 Point every minute.
Donators & Subscribers get 2 Points every minute.
Subscribing, Donating or Bits also get you points.

Type !points in chat to see your points.
Type !time in chat to see your watch time.
Use !share name amount to share your points to someone.
(Example: !share Luki 100)
You can trade your points for the following


Type the command in chat

!suggest + [message] - Send us a suggestion.
!kittyface (100 Points) - I will do my kittyface.
!bigeyes (300 Points) - I will do my big eyes.
!dollface (300 Points) - I will do my doll face.
!princess (300 Points) - I will do my princess face.
!shrug (300 Points) - I will do the shrug face.
!asmr (400 Points) - I will do ASMR.
!spin (1000 Points) - Spin the Wheel.
!break (2000 Points) - I will take a break and talk to you guys for 10 min.
!blackwhite (2000 Points) - I will stream in black&white for a while.
!welcome + [message] (1000 Points) - Receive a custom welcome message when you join the chat.
!prize (10K Points) - Win a random prize: Sound Command, Discord Color, Extra Giveaway Entry, Free Sub, Nothing
!gif (30K Points) - Win a custom GIF command or NOTHING New
!vip (50K Points) - Get the VIP Role and Badge

Chat commands

Type the command in chat

!schedule - See the schedule in your timezone.
!uptime - Display's this stream's time.
!lukitime - Displays Luki's time in her timezone.
!time - Displays your time spent on stream.
!followdate - Display the date you followed.
!howlong - Display how long you've been following.
!quote - Display a random quote.
!discord - Displays the discord server invite link.
!define word - Links to the definition of the word.
!balloon name - Give someone a balloon.
!greet name - Greet your friend!
!bye - Use this when you’re leaving the stream!
!add + [lukiword] - Add a word to the Lukionary
!dictionary - Display a random LukiWord
!donate - Donation link

Sound commands

Use the command in chat and the sound will play on stream.

!random (80 Points) - Play a random sound.

30 Points
!doh !bazinga !error !tuturu !whip !nope !excellent !toasty
!beach !round !puta !mada !meow !denied !hi !khaled !wat !go !woter !loot

40 Points
!lightsaber !nuts !silence !r2d2 !chewbacca !jeff !skinny !batman
!hello !arigato !brb !shutdown !angrycat !smile !crickets !mad

!darkness !candy !shazam !johnny !speedrun !pee

50 Points
!fatality !finishhim !plata !destroy !rasengan !shit
!applause !fkup !humiliation !failed !english !stars !comfy

!9000 !cop !laugh !fast !try !hurt !purge !nani !eternity !lamp !dva

60 Points
!nooo !surprise !hallelujah !pablo !choppa !penny !scorpion
!druglord !shots
 !out !hanzo !vicky !russia

80 Points
!airhorn !drama !dramatic !fku
!run !gandalf
!woody !fly !romania
!profanity !fuck !daniel !indeed New

100 Points

!balls !johncena !pikachu !predator !predator2 !rickroll !rumble !sparta
!weed !toys !condom !police !dapolice
!nyan !molly !doit !lulupedr !killme !world !tracer
!wtf2 !gum !doom !evillaugh !liukang !luki !outplayed !wakanda !camper
!bamboozled !reee !fight !meaty !ligma New !omg New

150 Points
!trololo !nein !thuglife !spongebob !leroy !mysenpai !warning !nazgul

200 Points
!illuminati !noogod !kamehameha !fullnani !nothing !wha

300 Points
!raul !horse !monkey

500 Points

PACK Counter-Strike Sound Pack

Unlock the pack for 5 days with 2000 Points and have unlimited use

!buy-cs (2000 Points) - Unlock the Sound Pack

!unstoppable !firstblood !doublekill !ultrakill !multikill !godlike
!monsterkill !holyshit !rampage !megakill !killingspree !headshot

PACK D2 Pack

Unlock the pack for 3 days with 3000 Points and have unlimited use

!buy-d2 (3000 Points) - Unlock the Pack

!wdym !d2chicken !only !peasant !knock


GIF Commands (Subs & Supporters)

Use the command in chat and the video will play on stream.

!randomgif (200 Points) - Play a random GIF

100 Points
!wth !theone !kitty !handsup !jack !healing !startup !catjump
!goku !ko !mission !pika !confused

200 Points
!sing !workout !sleep !sit !party !panda !jump !cannon !camo
!bang !bee!kungfu !ducks
!nacho !wow !theway !pokemon !ded

300 Points
!dogs !bird !birds !parrot !shitday !spiderman !gangster !cherry
!chav !pushup
!skate !uncle !nofuck !magic !dinosaur !asshole
!tin !pan !shot !catgun !bob !wasted !catplay !spinning !fullauto
!tom !pompon !thick !reload

400 Points
!thrift !supernova !reaper !hunter !badday !badcat !internet
!tireman !wallstreet !turup !penguins !rap !murica
!nade !julien !bsod !mimi !wolf !turtles

500 Points
!x !omgwoman !feedbaby !chucknorris !transcendence
!gtfo !twerk !father
 !gym !slide !praise !alliance !clyde

600 Points
!cock !legally !kekw !rip !organic New

1000 Points
!tripaloski !hardbass !moscow !tank !wewill !3090
!russia1  !russia2  !russia3  !russia4  !russia5  !russia6  !russia7

2000 Points

Use the !roll (amount) to play roll the dice.
Roll between 60 to 98 to double your bet.
Roll 99 or 100 to triple your bet.
Example: !roll 100

Type !slots in chat to play slots.
The cost is 100 points/spin
You can win 200 to 1999 Points.

In this game you are risking all your points in the attempt to win 1000.
To play the game type !risk in chat, it will cost you 200 points.
You either win 1000 points
or lose all your points